Saturday, May 30, 2015


Thesis: the Maya used telescopes.

The claim to be explored is that the Maya invented and used devices that allowed better than naked eye viewing of the sky.

Don't expect von Daniken weirdness here. There is not going to be aliens or lost technology or crystal skulls or strange interpretations of Pacal's sarcophagus.

Don't expect academic rigor. I had hoped this was going to be a simple argument with clear proof. I was wrong: an unassailable argument would require years of reading and physical experimentation in a number of fields.  It's better to throw out an inchoate idea now and hope someone makes something of it: I'm old enough to not care too much about the apportion of credit.

This is a blog. I'll probably talk about what I am thinking and doing rather than presenting a coherent narrative that directly supports my thesis.

Credits: I've had great help from archeologists, physicists, chemists, and other experts. My brain trust of strategists, generalists, and all round very smart people has been invaluable. Given the crackpot nature of this blog's claims, I will not mention anyone by name. Retroactive acknowledgement of contributions will of course be made if the contributor requests it.

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